Workplace Analytics leverages Office 365 collaboration data to deliver powerful new insights for enterprise productivity. It allows organizations to understand collaboration patterns across...
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The decision to upgrade your legacy ERP system should never be taken lightly. There are upfront costs to consider, assimilation to your current...
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The movement of digital transformation continues and is gaining more momentum with each passing day. Manufacturers are learning about new trends every day...
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The manufacturing industry is in the middle of Industry 4.0, which is about connectivity and data integration driving smarter factories and supply chains....
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Fact: Do you know there are an average 201 Cyber Compliance updates per day issued from over 750 regulatory bodies worldwide? Cybersecurity compliance...
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2018 is going to be the year that continues to build on the digital transformation in the manufacturing industry. Big data remains a...
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A few massive cyber security flaws have been discovered affecting nearly every computer and device, and now has sent developers across major platforms...
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What is Microsoft Azure?
01/04/18Your organization undoubtedly is considering the benefits of cloud computing and the efficiencies this technology can bring to your operations. But with a...
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The manufacturing industry is one which moves rather slow from an enterprise and ecosystem digital transformation perspective. The complexity and pace of customer demands have...
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Importance of Compliance in Business
01/01/18Compliance is a critical component of any security program, but up until recent, was one that was often overlooked. The year 2018 is...
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