Tag Archive: Infrastructure as a Service
As the trend of Industry 4.0 and big data continue to penetrate the market, the focus remains on the massive amounts of data...
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If you’re looking for a solution for your scalability needs, cloud computing is the obvious answer. We’ve been touting the many benefits of...
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You have many options when it comes to adopting cloud services. You can choose Software as a Service (SaaS), Platform as a Service...
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As restrictions for onsite work are rolled back, slowly but surely, across various states and regions, the layers of services that kept businesses...
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The Rise of XaaS
03/10/20For SMBs across every industry, any way you can reduce in-house overhead is a major victory. This is one major reason the IT...
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CaaS Simplifies Container Scaling
02/11/20There is PaaS, IaaS, and now CaaS is growing by leaps and bounds to make your container management needs even easier. Containers as...
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The higher-ups within your organization probably have been discussing starting your digital transformation for some time. But it can be overwhelming to find...
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When it comes to you cloud computing, do you SaaS, IaaS or PaaS? Those are your three cloud service models available today. Here...
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An IT department can cost your organization thousands, if not millions, of dollars in staffing, hardware, physical space and related resources. More organizations...
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You must run your business and cater to clients who reach out to you for your core capabilities. Step away from the IT...
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