Of the many benefits of relying on the Microsoft Azure cloud solution for your business’s cloud-computing needs is load balancing over multiple locations. Azure Load Balancer delivers high availability and network performance for your company’s applications. It is a Layer 4 (TCP, UDP) load balancer that distributes incoming traffic among healthy instances of services defined in a load-balanced set.
load balancer over multiple locations microsoft azure
Azure’s Load Balancer comes with many features, including:

  • Hash-based distribution – This load balancer uses a hash-based distribution algorithm. By default, it uses a five-tuple hash composed of source IP, source port, destination IP, destination port and protocol type to map traffic to available servers. It provides stickiness only within a transport session.
  • Post forwarding – The balancer also gives you control over how inbound communication is managed. This communication includes traffic initiated from other Internet hosts, virtual machines in other cloud services, or virtual networks.
  • Automatic reconfiguration – Azure Load Balancer instantly reconfigures itself when you scale instances up or down. For example, this reconfiguration happens when you increase the instance count for web/worker roles in a cloud service or when you add additional virtual machines into the same load-balanced set.
  • Service monitoring – The balancer can probe the health of the various server instances. When a probe fails to respond, the load balancer stops sending new connections to the unhealthy instances, and existing connections are not impacted.
  • Source NAT – All outbound traffic to the Internet that originates from your service undergoes source NAT (SNAT) by using the same VIP address as the incoming traffic. SNAT enables easy upgrade and disaster recovery of services since the VIP can by dynamically mapped to another instance of the service. It also makes access control list management easier since ACLs expressed in terms of VIPs do not change as services scale up, down or get redeployed.

2W Tech can help get the Load Balancer implemented on your Azure hybrid cloud solution. As a Microsoft Certified Partner, we also are adept at launching your Azure cloud deployment if you haven’t already done so. Contact us today to begin your journey to the Azure cloud.
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Azure Load Balancer Overview

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