Be Sure to Avoid Critical ERP Onboarding Mistakes
The largest mistake any organization can make with regard to an Epicor ERP system is convincing itself that it can survive in today’s business environment without one. Once you move past that misconception, it’s time to get serious about your Epicor ERP needs. Make no mistake, onboarding you Epicor ERP system of choice is no cakewalk. There are plenty of pitfalls to avoid as you bring Epicor ERP into your business.
Here are some of the major ones:
- Not fully understanding your business processes and requirements: ERP is at the heart of a business and is often intended to be the core management system for company operations. Not having a full understanding of your processes and requirements can often cause ERP implementations to drag on due to customization’s that were not initially scoped out.
- Not having executive and organizational buy-in: Without this support, ERP initiatives are likely to be starved for corporate funds and resources. These initiatives are often started by the CIO or IT director, but the support of the entire C-suite is critical. These ERP implementations are big and complex projects that will fail without the right management support.
- Not investing in training and change management: ERP implementations involve people who may find it difficult to change roles, processes and behaviors that they may have learned after many years of work. Your implementation is only as good as the people that are using the system and the data that is entered, so getting everyone on-board and confident in their ability to use the system can help with wider adoption throughout the business.
- Not having proper project management and resource commitment: A requirement for a successful ERP implementation is a dedicated project manager who is involved in planning and ongoing management. In addition, companies need to be prepared to commit to sufficient resources to the project before, during and after implementation.
A third-party project manager and implementation guru may be just what the ERP doctor ordered for your organization. 2W Tech is an Epicor Certified partner that can audit your organization to determine what you need to make the most of your ERP investment. Contact us today for help with on-boarding your Epicor ERP system.
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