Tag Archive: IT Consultant
If you are one of the other million viewers of the ABC hit drama Grey's Anatomy and tuned in last week, you saw...
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2W Ideas You Can Use – October 2017
10/31/17Moving Your On-premise Epicor ERP System to the Azure Cloud Scale your entire network, including your Epicor ERP system, to 99.995% uptime. Azure...
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Are You Properly Managing Your Data?
10/26/17Stop for a minute and think about your personal devices. I am a Samsung user for both my tablet and cellphone and I...
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Krack Wi-Fi Security Vulnerability
10/18/17Apple, Google, Microsoft and other technology companies have been rushing to address issues related to the Krack (Key Reinstallation Attack) Wi-Fi security vulnerability....
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In an earlier post this month, we discussed the Aberdeen Groups' recent study highlighting the top digitalization technologies with the potential to impact...
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American manufacturing expanded last month at the fastest pace in 13 years, according to the Institute for Supply Management. Not surprising given the two...
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Microsoft Azure Blog Series One of the top concerns organizations have when considering implementing cloud technologies is security. Just last week, Microsoft announced Azure is...
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When you think about reasons that a business may not invest in the latest technology, the fear of the unknown if probably not...
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Microsoft Azure Blog Series Estimating resources is a difficult thing to do and something organizations need to do often. It is particularly challenging in...
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Microsoft Azure Blog Series With Ransomware making the headlines so frequently over the last year, with natural disasters such as the flooding in Texas...
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