Your ERP system is at the center of your business. Considering this fact, why wait until this vital aspect of your organization is beyond its useful shelf life before replacing it? The simple fact is, the older your ERP system is, the worse it functions. Hesitating to upgrade an ERP system, even as Epicor continues to improve upon ERP 10, is understandable given how expensive and time-consuming ERP upgrades can be. Add to that fact legacy systems are many versions behind current ERP, so that means even more work for implementation.
Legacy ERP system Epicor 10 2W Tech ERP Consultant
There is no better time than the present to work with an ERP consultant like 2W Tech to determine how to best replace your legacy ERP system. One route you can take is cloud ERP, which is an alternative offered to help legacy customers upgrade to a current ERP system that makes it easy for them to stay current. 2W Tech specifically works with Epicor 10 and Microsoft Azure, and we are certified partners for both technologies.
There still may be infrastructure upgrades and other software items to consider when doing this, though. 2W Tech is one of the only Epicor partners that still works with legacy systems, so we can help work through a maintenance plan for your system as we plan and implement your new ERP system. Integrating your ERP with other software and systems is not as easy with a legacy ERP in place. It can be done, of course, but an aging ERP system will contain a lot of disparate functions with little communication between each arm.
Technology won’t stop advancing, and the more modernized it becomes, the further out of date your ERP system becomes. That means your business is exposed to more risks than ever before. ERP software is meant to streamline your business’s processes and improve your overall efficiency and productivity. Any delays in the process can turn a happy customer into an angry customer and, if the problems persist, a former customer.
The only way to eliminate these security risks is to upgrade your legacy software. 2W Tech is a certified Epicor ERP partner and one of the few that specializes in Vista and Vantage upgrades. Contact us today to learn more about upgrading your legacy ERP system.
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