Cost Benefit of Cloud ERP
10/17/17The first question most people ask when they look to purchase something is what does it cost? Manufacturers have been slow to adopt...
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American manufacturing expanded last month at the fastest pace in 13 years, according to the Institute for Supply Management. Not surprising given the two...
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Manufacturing Software Uncomplicates
09/22/17The Catch 22 in Manufacturing: You need ERP software but it also complicates your manufacturing environment. Once your business hits a certain size,...
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When you think about reasons that a business may not invest in the latest technology, the fear of the unknown if probably not...
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Microsoft Azure Blog Series With Ransomware making the headlines so frequently over the last year, with natural disasters such as the flooding in Texas...
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Microsoft Azure Blog Series If you are like most organizations, you are still trying to understand all the hype behind the cloud and how...
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Epicor Creating New User Experiences
08/08/17Epicor ERP 10.2 is expected in the October timeframe and so far, Epicor has been pretty tight lipped on what changes we can...
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2W Ideas You Can Use – July
07/20/17Office 365 Webinar: Maximize Your Investment Join us on Wednesday, August 2, 2107 @12PM EST. 2W Tech's newest webinar...
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To customize or not? That is the question most organizations ask themselves when it comes to their ERP software. Many businesses believe that...
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Has Your ERP System Become Mundane?
07/05/17You implement a new ERP system, you train your employees, and then what happens? All too many times, once the implementation and initial...
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