I know plenty of people are sick of talking about the pandemic, but it has changed so much in the world, that it will forever be discussed and remembered. The effects it had on manufacturing and its’ supply chain are still lingering today. One of the other areas within manufacturing that has really evolved since the pandemic is cloud technologies. 

Before the pandemic, companies understood the importance of cloud technology, but they tended not to feel urgency around implementation. In an Epicor survey from 2019, before the pandemic, respondent’s results were: 

  • Eighty-four percent believed that cloud played a key role in their overall growth strategy 
  • However, only 31% claimed they were making significant use of cloud applications 

During the pandemic, 36% of businesses felt a negative impact on their organization. The companies operating completely on cloud technologies suffered the least, and the ones that utilized hybrid solutions also felt significantly less pain. But half of businesses with mostly or entirely on-premises ERP suffered. These businesses were slower to move to remote work and shifting workplace conditions, as well as being slower to automate and scale real-time data operations.  

Since recovering from the pandemic, many organizations have a new outlook on cloud technology and cloud ERP. By 2021, Epicor’s survey found that 81% of decision-makers deployed hybrid ERP solutions, and that 93% now deploy at least some cloud-based solutions, numbers that show no signs of reversing. 

It is sad that it took a pandemic to move the needle with cloud technologies in the right direction, but regardless of the reason, manufacturers are really leaning into more modern technologies. Where is your business with your cloud journey?  

2W Tech is a technology solutions provider, Microsoft Gold Partner, as well as Epicor Platinum Partner. We would be happy to introduce your business to all the benefits of Microsoft Azure or Epicor in Azure. Give us a call today to learn more. 

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