2019 is the year of the digital transformation for Manufacturer’s. A key element of a successful digital transformation is using new technologies to help employees be more productive. Microsoft has always been a leader in technology, so them doubling down on productivity enhancements in Office 365 only makes sense. Microsoft fully supports the modern, mobile workplace and believes a company’s success is directly related to its productivity.

Microsoft Office 365 is a popular software that can help boost productivity in your workplace in several useful ways:

  • Easy Collaboration: Made possible with web portal apps like SharePoint, Yammer and Teams to name a few
  • Mobility: This solution integrates with a variety of mobile devices including desktops, laptops, tablets and smartphones
  • Simple Communication: Provides tools like video chat, instant messaging, Skype for business, Teams and Microsoft Exchange Online
  • Cloud based Storage: OneDrive for business allows employees to upload documents to the cloud, which lets them work from anywhere they might need without creating multiple, duplicate files
  • Corporate Social Networking: Use of your own private social network with Yammer
  • Reduces Downtime:  Everything is in the cloud and accessible on multiple devices, which means that people will always have access to their work, whenever they need to
  • Easy, Familiar Tools: Decreased learning curve comes because the vast majority of people are familiar with Office, Excel, Exchange and other programs in the Office suite

Is your organization leveraging all these ways Office 365 can improve your business productivity? If not, give us a call today. 2W Tech is a full-service IT Consulting firm that specializes in solutions for the Manufacturing industry. We are also a Microsoft Gold Partner and would be happy to help your organization maximize your Office 365 potential.

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