IT Asset Management Puts Control in your Hands


IT asset management is more important than ever in the business climate created by the COVID-19 pandemic. These days, employers like yourself need to keep better track of where your assets are since many employees are still working from home for the foreseeable future.

Even in the recovery phase — which some consider ongoing presently, while others are still waiting for a complete return to normalcy — a closer look at an organization’s asset management and a determination of where improvements in visibility and controls are required.

Efficiency is key when keeping track of IT asset management across more sites than ever imagined. Visibility is also critical, so avoid relying on Active Directory or basic information from endpoint management solutions for your inventory.

You also need to get a grasp on your assets’ lifecycles, performance, maintenance schedules, compliance demands and cost implications. This can affect your security posture, and with so many telecommuters tunneling into your network via less-than-ideal internet connections, making sure your clients’ personal data is safe should be at the top of your mind. An up-to-date IT asset inventory can help your organization keep up with software patches as they become available.

For help with your IT asset management as well as other services, contact 2W Tech today. Through our Managed Services Provider program, we can tackle many of your IT needs while you do what you do best. We incorporate IT assets across your business units by joining the financial, inventory, contractual and risk management responsibilities to manage the overall life cycle of these assets including tactical and strategic decision making. Contact us today to learn more.

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