There are plenty of social engineering attacks that can dupe your most internet-savvy employees into accidentally giving up valuable data and access to malicious actors. Considering a digital giant like Twitter fell victim to phishing last September, who is to say your organization won’t meet the same fate? 

Be sure to safeguard your operations by taking some simple steps to prevent a social engineering attack. Some actions include: 

  1. Conduct ongoing phishing awareness training and testing among within your workforce – This ensures your employees are looking out for phishing emails and that they have a chance to debrief after the tests to better spot those attacks and determine when not to click.  
  2. Use multi-factor authentication for all login needs – If it is good enough for your personal email or mobile phone login, it is a solid solution for your operations.
  3. Create a policy that requires the use of corporate machines to access systems – This can be a tricky policy to implement with so many employees work from home during the pandemic, but it is a stance that immediately improves your security posture. With a BYOD policy, you can’t control who can get their hands on a device and – intentionally or unintentionally – share critical data with cybercrooks.  
  4. Always, ALWAYS verify – Be on the lookout for red flags. For instance, if your supervisor authorizes a transfer of a large sum of money to a random account out of the blue, call the supervisor to confirm it was them on the other end of that request.  

The best way to combat social engineering attacks is to educate your employees on how to identify a scam before engaging with a malicious actor. It also helps to have a partner with decades of experience in cybersecurity in your corner. Contact 2W Tech today to get started with our Cybersecurity Compliance Program and let our IT consultants do the work for you. 

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