Epicor Insights 2016 wrapped up on Wednesday of last week. The theme of the conference was growth. For anyone that has attended a user conference knows that the Vendor that hosts the conference will discuss their performance to date, as well as their plans for growth. This conference was no exception. Epicor had several technology partners at their event and have made some recent announcements on integration partners. By increasing their integration partners, Epicor is able to deliver further enhancements and expanded capabilities by tying other solutions into the their ERP system. Thus allowing their customers one main system that integrates with all the necessary programs a company needs to run their business.
So even with announcing their growth plans, Epicor is creating ways to help their customers growth happen effectively. Epicor focused a lot on their customers growth and the ERP system’s role in this. There were many presentations that focused on how you can use an Epicor ERP system to position yourself for growth. One very important thing to understand is that even if you currently have an ERP system, it may not be the right system to support your future growth.
By choosing an ERP system that can work for an organization, business owners can spend less time on administrative tasks and more time with more people that can help their business grow and thrive. In order to do this, your ERP system has to scale, as your business scales. It has to have all of the functionality needed for your employees to get their job done as effective as possible. Running multiple systems creates duplicate work and redundancies. The only reason you would run multiple systems is because you don’t have one system that fulfills all your needs, or this system exists and your staff isn’t trained to use it.
Epicor isn’t being quiet about their growth or the fact they are concerned about their client’s growth as well. When you are considering your growth plans, you need to consider how your technology will play a role in this. Having an ERP system that is current and up to date is extremely important. Ensuring your staff is using this system and that the system is working for them is also extremely important. If your ERP system is not current or if your aren’t sure your ERP system is the appropriate fit for your organization, 2W Tech can help. We are a certified Epicor ERP partner and have Consultants on staff that can help you determine if Epicor is the right solution for your organization. If you already have an Epicor solution, 2W Tech can also help you ensure you are maximizing its effectiveness within your organization.

Read More:

Does Your ERP and IT Consultant Play Nice in the Sandbox?
ERP Implementation Leads to Happier Customers

Product Info:

Epicor ERP 10
Epicor ERP 10.1

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