Cloud solutions have come a long way, and they certainly beat out on-premises systems for most modern enterprises. But that doesn’t mean you can trust any cloud platform. Manufacturers relying on ERP solutions can’t settle for cloud platforms with limited scalability and flexibility. As you business constantly evolves, requiring add-ons, integrations and support for more locations and users, your ERP must grow and develop with it.

Also, hosting software offsite puts security and maintenance in the hands of expert providers, relieving some of your IT resources. Cloud platforms simplify implementations by eradicating the need for expensive on-premises servers. Enter Microsoft Azure hosted by Epicor. Azure, which also powers Bing, Office 365 and Xbox Live, also can power your Epicor ERP system. By launching Epicor and Azure — the strongest ERP solution in the strongest cloud environment — you gain optimal performance, ease and security as well as flexibility and scalability to tackle any changes your organization faces.

For more information on how to best deploy Epicor and Azure, contact 2W Tech today. 2W Tech is an Epicor Gold Partner, as well as a Microsoft Gold Partner. We have Epicor ERP and Microsoft Cloud specialists on staff that can help guide you to the option that makes the most business sense for you.

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