Upgrading Your Epicor ERP Can Mean Minimal Disruptions


2W Tech has been an Epicor partner for over 30 years, so we have heard every excuse under the sun on why now might not be the best time to upgrade their ERP system. Technology moves fast, and standing still with your current, outdated systems can cause major problems in the future. The excuse that we hear the most is that upgrading is too disruptive to their business.

Whether it’s downtime while something installs or the loss of productivity while users get up to speed on the new product, businesses can’t afford disruptions to their regular workday. Your ERP system is the heart of your technology landscape, so if it is not functioning, your business isn’t functioning.

Epicor has put in a considerable amount of effort to refine processes and build tooling to automate as much of the upgrade process as possible. The goal is to limit or eliminate completely any downtime in the final cut-over while reducing the cost and effort of upgrading. Some of the tools included in this approach are:

  • Analyzer: used to plan the upgrade
  • Data Upgrade Service: cloud services are deployed to upgrade. 2W Tech is a Microsoft Gold Partner and believes Microsoft Azure is the best cloud platform to deploy Epicor on
  • Cloud View: test drive your new data while your environment gets set up
  • Epicor Learning Center: resources are available for training employees

Disruptions are sometimes not avoidable but planning ahead and implementing an upgrade strategy can drive user adoption, reduce your learning curve, and ensure you’re always current. Also, if your organization can get on a schedule to regularly upgrade your Epicor ERP software, the disruptions become minimal due to the minimal change to the software. If you are interested in an Epicor upgrade, give us a call today. 2W Tech is an Epicor Gold Partner and has over 30 years’ experience implementing Epicor technologies.

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