Most of you are a few weeks into your new remote work routine. The first couple weeks was probably spent trying to figure out a new routine, not only for yourself and your family, but with your co-workers as well. As we start to settle in to a routine for the unforeseeable future, we have some tips that can help increase your effectiveness and happiness with your remote work situation.

  • Set up a dedicated workspace: It is important to find a place you can concentrate and have privacy to conduct video or phone meetings.
  • Communicate and communicate some more: Your schedule may be altered due to having responsibilities during this time at home, make sure your co-workers know your availability, as well as any challenges you are up against.
  • Maintain healthy boundaries: Make sure to take breaks, stay hydrated, and give yourself opportunities to “clock out” from remote work at the end of the day.
  • Embrace Videoconferencing: Turn video on so your team can interact face to face and feel more connected. No one cares what you are wearing!
  • Record Meetings: Life happens, so the best way to keep everyone in the loop is to record meetings so if someone was unable to attend, they can watch the recording.
  • Water cooler: The quick chat at the water cooler is what many people miss the most right now. They may now instead be having intellectual conversation with a 2 and 4 year old. Take the time to connect with your coworkers. Think about chat messages as your virtual water cooler and set yourself a reminder to check in with people regularly.
  • Meet as a team regularly: Here at 2W Tech, we spend 1 hour every Friday as an entire group. It helps keep us all connected, regardless of our location. Working remote can also make someone feel isolated and alone.
  • Have fun: Trying to maintain employee moral is challenging right now amidst COVID-19 and an uncertain economy, so try to invent creative ideas to help the team stay positive, engaged and energized.

No one can accurately predict how long remote work is going to remain mandated for most of us, so we have to just buckle down and do the best we can under these circumstances. If your organization is struggling with remote work, you don’t have to face those challenges alone. 2W Tech is a technology service provider and Microsoft Gold Partner. Microsoft offers many effective collaboration tools from Office 365 to Azure cloud. Give us a call and let us help alleviate any stress your technology landscape may be causing you.

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