Protect Your Organization from Insider Cyberattacks


Whether by accident or with malicious intent, often the source of cyberattacks for organizations is insider cyberattacks. In fact, over 30 percent of cyberattacks can be attributed to insider actions.  An insider threat is considered someone who has authorized access to your company’s critical systems or the information and poses a security risk to the organization by misusing their authorized access. 

There are several insider threats your organization should look for:   

  • Malicious insiders – These are employees or partners who misuse their legitimate access to confidential data for personal gain.  
  • Inside agents – These malicious insiders have been recruited by external parties to steal, alter, misuse, or delete confidential data.  
  • Emotional employees – These attackers want to cause harm to the organization as revenge for a perceived wrongdoing.   
  • Reckless employees – These are employees or partners who neglect the rules of an organization’s cybersecurity policy.   

Don’t let your cybersecurity guard down. Those on the inside of your organization could harm your business – intentionally or not. Developing and maintaining a successful cybersecurity prevention strategy is a daunting process. 2W Tech is a technology services provider who specializes in solutions for the manufacturing industry. Contact 2W Tech today to strengthen your cybersecurity posture.  

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