No Better Time Than the Present to Push Digital Transformation Initiatives Forward


Anyone who thought they had the iron-clad formula to predict the future of the manufacturing industry can throw that crystal ball out the window today. COVID has changed how and where the manufacturing industry operates, and the economic outlook for the industry is tied directly to how manufacturers adapt to the new post-coronavirus reality.  There is no better time than the present to push digital transformation initiatives forward.

Industrial manufacturers now more than ever before must focus on creating agility, which will enable them to pivot and adapt to the constantly changing conditions on the ground. To do this, organizations should focus on strengthening technological capabilities across functions, reorganizing global supply chains and building a workforce with Industry 4.0 skill.  

Increased remote capabilities, for example, will not only carry manufacturers through the restrictive settings of the pandemic, but can be a safety net for future natural disasters. If your facility is in an area hit by a tornado, hurricane, etc., and remains functional, yet employees have no way to get there, all they’ll need is their home hardware to tunnel into your operations remotely to keep your operations moving.  

The main point of focus for industrial manufacturers, once again, should be improving agility. Organizations need to quickly envision and test innovative solutions to advance their Industry 4.0 position. Be sure to start with a clear understanding of the business value instead of jumping into pilots driven solely by the need to be digital.  

This type of agile development process can be difficult to implement incrementally, especially with large firms. So, if these capabilities don’t exist within the organization, industrial manufacturers should consider forming partnerships to help them achieve near-term objectives. Partnering with suppliers, channel partners and customers can help reduce the investment needed to achieve some of these objectives 

Aligning with an IT consultant like 2W Technologies, INC can help bring your digital transformation all together for your manufacturing company. Many manufacturers have embraced the digital transformation and the benefits that it can bring to their business. The digital transformation can only have a positive impact on your business if you are implementing the technologies properly and in the correct environment. The best approach to the digital transformation is to have a plan before attempting to implement any new technologies or trends. 2W Tech is a technology service provider that specializes in solutions for the manufacturing industry and can assist you with your digital transformation. Give us a call today. 

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