New Chat and Collaboration Features for Microsoft Teams


It is a busy week for the 2W Tech team attending some of the industry’s best events. Part of our team is at Microsoft Build this week. At that event, Microsoft highlighted exciting new features and improvements for Microsoft Teams. There is so many to highlight, we are going to break it down in two posts for you.

In chat and collaborate:

  • Slash Commands: Will begin rolling out in June. These provide an easy and consistent interface to take contextual actions, compose, navigate, and complete frequent tasks. By typing slash in the compose box, you then select a command, and complete your task quickly, eliminating the need to take multiple actions to perform a task.
  • Co-edit Code Blocks: Become more efficient by using Loop components to share and co-edit code in Teams instead of having to send multiple code blocks. It is as easy as inserting your code into a Loop or turning a native code bloc into one. Anyone with access to the Loop component can review and co-edit it, improving the communication process. This will also begin rolling out in June.
  • Custom Emojis and Reactions: Increase your creativity in your conversations with custom emojis and reactions. You can upload your own custom emojis or reactions to personalize the conversation and reflect your personal style or your team’s culture. Once the custom emojis are uploaded, they can only be used within the user’s tenant, but after they are sent, they are visible to all members of the chat. Custom emojis are permission based and determined by your IT administrator. They will be coming to public preview in June.
  • Unfurling Permalinks to see Code Previews: You can now share code in a chat by pasting a permalink that shows a rich preview from Azure Dev Ops. This is now generally available.
  • Meet Now in Group Chat: You can start a huddle with your team using meet now in group. It enables ad-hoc calls real-time with your team. This chat remains as part of your ongoing group chat thread so its easily assessed. This feature will be generally available in June.
  • Generate Images with Microsoft Designer in Chat: With a new Microsoft Designer integration, a user can create stunning images inside a Teams chat. Simply type ‘@Designer’ in the chat box and describe the image you envision, and additional prompts are available to you to refine the image. No exact release data for Designer in Teams chat but Microsoft stated it will be available later this summer.

Part two will discuss the announced Microsoft Teams features for meetings, places, and platforms that were announced at Build.

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