Is Siloed Data Harming Your Business?


Any good business leader will tell you that collaboration is the key to any successful organization. The left hand needs to know what the right hand is doing and vice versa. One of the most harmful things to a business is departments keeping data to themselves. They need to share it to ensure everyone is working with the same information.  

When important data is not accessible by everyone so they can make informed decisions and streamline processes, your entire business can get stuck in a dangerous rut. Another danger of siloed information is the negative impact on communication, knowledge sharing, collaboration, and innovation.  

Adopting cloud technologies allows your business to explore the benefits of transparency and real-time data: 

  • It provides information and access to key stakeholders quickly. Any new data added to the system is updated automatically for the best real-time information. 
  • Cloud systems can also hold all your data in one place. It removes version control issues and inefficient searches for the correct spreadsheet. It is a central holding place in the cloud for everyone to access the information they need to do their jobs. 
  • Having real-time data means more agility, which improves decision making for significant strategic initiatives. 

With the right tools in place, organizations can ensure information is shared with the correct departments and key employees when needed. An organization cannot be successful if they are not transparent with their data.  

The first step to eliminating siloed data is moving to the cloud. From there, many options become available to you and your business on the best way to understand what your data is telling you. Not sure where to get started? Let 2W Tech help. We are a technology solutions provider specializing in solutions for the manufacturing industry. Let our team of IT Consultants introduce the benefits of Microsoft Azure and some additional tools like Power BI to your business. 

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