Introducing Cloud Data Management Capabilities Certification


Late last month, Microsoft announced the successful completion of their Cloud Data Management Capabilities (CDMC) Certification. Organizations have struggled without having an all-encompassing standard in place for protecting data. Creating a standard has been difficult because data privacy laws and regulations differ by country and industry.

Up until the creation of CDMC, many organizations were maintaining their sensitive data in inefficient siloes, resulting often in conflicting security requirements. This was forcing the need for a framework to be put in place to maintain data security across the ever-changing regulatory environment. The CDMC assessment was created to help fill that function and to remove systemic risk by providing 14 key cloud data controls and automations, making the move to cloud easier for organizations.

The CDMC certification process takes 4-6 weeks and during that time the organization’s cloud data solution is reviewed against the CDMC framework. There is also an option for a readiness assessment before the formal certification assessment is conducted. Organizations that adopt the two-phrase approach usually have an easier time identifying gaps using the CDMC checklist. Once that is used, they can formulate a plan, allocate resources to act on the plan, and be prepared with all the documents necessary for the formal CDMC certification.

Every organization has their own path in its cloud journey. Relying on a CDMC assessment offers an easy entry point, providing a standard for data governance and controls for helping manage the large amounts of data an organization compiles. Rely on the CDMC framework to build a roadmap for where you want your cloud journey to take your organization.

2W Tech is a Tier One Cloud Solutions Provider and holds several Microsoft designations. If you are interested in learning more about CDMC or need help on your cloud journey, let our team of IT Consultants help guide you.

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