Security should be on the forefront of every business owner’s mind. It is important for organizations to take their cybersecurity measures seriously to avoid cyberattacks and data breaches. The best way to ensure your security is up-to-date and compliant is to conduct regular IT security audits.

An IT security audit helps identify and assess network vulnerabilities in your networks, any devices connected to your networks, and applications. Penetration testing can determine how well your IT infrastructure can defend against various cyberattacks and can help a business customize security policies and meet compliance regulations.  

There are two types of IT security audits: internal and external.  In an internal IT security audit, a business conducts their own assessment to determine it their systems and cybersecurity policies are compliant based on their own rules and business procedures. An external audit is carried out by a third-party provider like 2W Tech, and they ensure the business is complying with industry standards and government regulations.  

Once a security audit is completed, it provides the business with a cybersecurity roadmap. It shows where an organization is meeting important security criteria and where it is missing the mark. IT security audits are crucial for creating risk assessment plans and prevention strategies for any business that must be compliant with their data.   

Three main areas reviewed during an IT security audit include: 

  • Network vulnerabilities: focusing on unsecured access points, instant messages, emails, and network traffic 
  • Cybersecurity controls: accessing how well a company has implemented existing policies and procedures to protect its information and infrastructure 
  • Data encryption: verifies if a business has controls in place to manage the data encryption process effectively. This helps ensure digital data is kept confidential and protected while stored, regardless of where that location is.  

If you are in the market for an IT security audit, let 2W Tech help. We are a technology service provider specializing in solutions for the manufacturing industry. We have IT Consultants on staff that specialize in security solutions and can help walk your business through the steps of an IT security audit.

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