I was doing some light reading over the weekend and I came across a recent interview with an executive from Epicor. The only thing about this interview that really surprised me was the fact that Epicor stated they are just now seeing adoption of Industry 4.0 within the manufacturing industry. 2W Tech started writing about Industry 4.0 and the benefits back in January of 2018 on a pretty regular basis.


Epicor, along with other ERP solutions, have taken steps to adopt and integrate various industry 4.0 technologies such as artificial Intelligence (AI), machine learning, analytics and the Internet of Things (IoT) into their software. This allows clients to gather the necessary data needed in order to make better, faster decisions and to even identify potential opportunities for growth and improvement.

One of the factors manufacturers are facing is the industry as a whole has been decreasing made to stock items and instead has been shifting towards a more specialized approach for manufacturing products. ERP software now has to manage various modes of manufacturing in sub-verticals that are more likely to produce make-to-order products like fabricated metals, industrial machinery and electronics.

If your organization has not yet embraced the Industry 4.0, you really as missing out on all the benefits it can offer your business. If you have not yet moved your ERP solutions to the cloud, you are even further behind in the digital transformation. For help adopting the latest technologies, give us a call today. 2W Tech is a Microsoft Gold Partner, as well as an Epicor Gold Partner. We are a full-service IT Consulting firm specializing in solutions for the manufacturing industry. We would be happy to discuss how the Azure cloud and Epicor ERP can be a game changer for your business.

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