Epicor Acquires Smart Software


Epicor announced earlier this month they have acquired Smart Software for AI-powered inventory planning and optimization technologies. The acquisition accelerates Epicor’s delivery of best-in-class ERP solutions that provide practical application of artificial intelligence across the spectrum of business operations for the make, move, and sell industries.

“In today’s fast-paced and constantly evolving supply chain landscape, effective inventory management is critical for success,” said Epicor CEO Steve Murphy. “The Smart Software acquisition further accelerates our focus in transforming traditional ERP from a system of record to a system of action, giving Epicor customers AI-powered capabilities to turn inventory into a competitive asset that helps drive up customer service levels and drive down costs.”

Smart Software’s Smart IP&O platform is cloud-based and intuitive and leverages a patented, probabilistic AI and machine learning models. These models run thousands of simulations of outcomes to pinpoint more accurate predictions and to eliminate assumptions as much as possible.

Smart Software is an existing Epicor ISV partner, and their solutions are already integrated with several Epicor ERP platforms. Some other benefits of their solutions include:

  • AI-Driven Operational Efficiency
  • Improved Customer Satisfaction and Lifetime Value
  • Best-in-Class Inventory Optimization and Cash Flow

“As a long-time Epicor ISV partner, we’re closely aligned in delivering customers the AI-powered technologies they need to improve forecast accuracy and optimize inventory levels,” said Smart Software President Greg Hartunian. “We’re excited to join Epicor and continue our journey in driving innovation across the supply chain industries.”

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