Dark Web Scammers aren’t among the many of us that have fear and anxiety over COVID-19. They are exploiting the uncertainty during this pandemic and using the desperation people are feeling to get them to click on or buy things they wouldn’t normally. Considering there are many people that are naive to the dark web, adding in fear to that equation is leaving many people and businesses exposed.

There is a new techniques being used on the dark web, an encrypted part of the internet that can be accessed using popular networks such as Tor. The Tor browser is privacy-focused, so it hides who is using it and what data is being accessed. It offers bad actors a way to operate with privacy so it much more difficult to track down criminals that use it. Tor is actually The Onion Browser, named after an onion because of all the layers of encryption on the network.

Many marketplaces on the dark web have seen a rise in COVID-19 related products such as face masks, gowns, drugs, etc. Criminals know that people will rush to buy these products due to their fears, and as a result the prices for these items are astronomical. Dark Web Scammers and cybercriminals in general are very intelligent people. They know that with people working from home, there is a greater chance of lax cybersecurity measures in place.

Cybercriminals are using the dark web to try to exploit a global crisis for financial gain. And unfortunately, it is working. Do not be the next victim of the dark web. 2W Tech is a technology service provider that specializes in security solutions. Give us a call today to learn more about how you and your business can protect yourselves from what is lurking in the dark web.

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