Using Artificial Intelligence Gives Manufacturers Their Competitive Edge


Imagine this, a complex factory with robots that create digitized “offspring” capable of machine learning that operates on a 24-hour basis. What year does this picture become a reality? I do whole-heartedly believe this will be a reality some day, but the truth is we are probably 10 years away from this. Manufacturing today is still struggling to appropriately deploy artificial intelligence(AI) in their businesses.

AI allows organizations to better use their processes to improve operational decision-making. Manufacturers are frequently facing different challenges such as unexpected machinery failure or defective product delivery. These can be overcome by leveraging technologies like AI and machine learning. A manufacturer’s success banks on their ability to increase their output and product quality, all while lowering their overall waste and cost.

Humans can’t work 24/7 and robots can’t function on their own, so employing a strategy that uses both is one way your business can get your production line effectively working around the clock. Technological advances like AI, machine learning, IIoT and everything else that comes with Industry 4.0, are going to make smart manufacturing the new normal. Don’t be left behind.

2W Tech is a technology service provider specializing in solutions for the manufacturing industry. Give us a call today to learn more about how artificial intelligence and these other technologies can help your manufacturing business move towards the future.

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