Cyberattacks are a very scary thing and what makes them even worse is that many people do not even understand how many ways we are threatened. A cyberattack is an attempt to access a computer network or system, usually for the purpose of stealing, deleting, exposing, or messing with data. If you pay attention to the news, you are aware that any individual or organizations or even governments have been targets.

Here are the top ten types of cyberattacks we are faced with today:

  • Malware: A malicious software in the form of a program or code created to do harm to a computer, network, or server. Malware is the most ordinary form of malware.
  • Denial-of-Service (DOS) Attacks: A malicious attack that is targeted to disrupt business operations by flooding the network with false inquiries. DoS attacks originate from one system and cost the organization time, resources, and money.
  • Phishing: An attack that entices a victim to share sensitive information such as banking information and passwords. Email, text messages, telephone calls, social media, and social engineering techniques are all used to trick a user into downloading a malicious file that will install a virus on their device.
  • Spoofing: This technique is where a cybercriminal disguises themselves as a trusted, known source. They engage with the target and trick them into granting them access to their system or devices so they can then steal their information, extort money, or install harmful software.
  • Identity-Based Attacks: This might be the hardest cyberattack method to detect. This attack is where someone’s credentials have been compromised and ad adversary is masquerading as that user, often going under the radar, and avoiding detection.
  • Code Injection Attacks: A cybercriminal injects a malicious code into a vulnerable network or computer to change its course of action.
  • Supply Chain Attacks: Type of cyberattack that targets a trusted partner who offers services or software vital to the supply chain. The third-party has malicious code injected into an application that causes all users of the app to become infected. Hardware supply chain attacks compromise physical components but with the same goal in mind as software attacks.
  • Insider Threats: Internal actors, such as a disgruntled employee, poses danger to an organization since they have direct access to the company network, sensitive data, and intellectual property. They also are familiar with the company network and sensitive data and could provide this information to help conduct an attack.
  • DNS Tunneling: This type of attack leverages domain name systems (DNS) queries and responses by bypassing traditional security measures and transmit data and code within the network. These attacks are simple to deploy.
  • IoT-Based Attacks: This cyberattack targets an Internet of Things (IoT) device or network. Hackers attempt to gain control, steal data, or connect your infected device to others to create a botnet to launce DoS attacks.

If there are cyberattacks on this list you were not aware of, please pick up the phone and call your IT Consultant or Managed Service Provider to discuss. Asking questions and ensuring your bases are covered is smart business practice and could be the key in keeping your business and its’ data safe.

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