Thought Leadership

  • Embracing Failure

    Mark Jamieson

    It’s OK to fail at 2W Tech  Wait. What? Why would I write that!  Is it OK to fail at 2W Tech?   Absolutely. Embracing failure is...

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  • More is Lost by Indecision Than Poor Decisions

    Mark Jamieson

    Mark’s Rules of Business #14: More is lost by indecision than poor decisions. In business, the ability to make decisions is an invaluable asset. I...

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  • The Sound of Success: Our Tradition of Celebrating Wins

    Mark Jamieson

    As the CEO of 2W Tech, I have always been proud of the relentless drive and unwavering commitment our team demonstrates every day....

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  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

    Firstname Lastname Here
    Title / Position Here

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed porttitor sit amet enim a facilisis. Vivamus vestibulum justo eu ex imperdiet, vitae luctus...

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  • Dolor sit amet lorem ipsum

    Firstname Lastname Here
    Title / Position Here

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed porttitor sit amet enim a facilisis. Vivamus vestibulum justo eu ex imperdiet, vitae luctus...

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  • Exploring Artificial Intelligence with ChatGPT

    Mark Jamieson

    At 2W Tech, we have been exploring the potential of artificial intelligence (AI) to better serve our clients. From clients’ requests to resource...

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