Lisa Dutcher


As Director of Project Management Lisa is a ‘hands on’ project control manager to successfully drive implementations from kickoff to completion. She jokes that her middle name should be “Get it Done!” The reason she loves doing project control work because each day is different and really enjoys helping customers grow their business. Lisa has over 14 years of Project Management experience in the Hospitality and Manufacturing industries. And she is a longtime member of PMI – Project Management Institute. Lisa has passion for Mid-Century Modern antiques from 1940’s thru 1960’s. On the weekends, Lisa and her husband Jim operate a vintage clothing and antique shop. Her love of collecting antiques might be considered an obsession. Lisa enjoys traveling and has a favorite Hawaiian island after having vacationed there 10 times. She is eager to sharing her tips on best beaches and places to watch sunsets. On Lisa’s bucket list is to visit all the US National Parks and Easter Island.


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