Prepping Hardware for Your Epicor 10 Upgrade


As you prepare for your Epicor ERP 10 upgrade there are many items to manage and prepare for and your hardware is one of them. Its the foundation of your implementation and if not set up correctly can jeopardize your upgrade to Epicor 10 before you have begun. Here are a few items to look out for.stick_figure_fill_in_the_boxes_text_11075

  • Make sure your server has the correct specs. If you need them or want us to look over them, give us a call or Click Here
  • The server provisioned to be the Epicor server should not be any type of domain controller, but should be a member server on the domain.
  • We also recommend the operating system and the database be at the same base level (Windows 2012 R2 should be running SQL Server 2012. Since Epicor sends SQL 2012 it is OK to install server 2012 on the hardware. Exception may be if you purchased a full licensed copy of SQL Server and in that case you may want to consult with 2W Tech to make sure of the exact version.

In addition to these hardware recommendations, you should have the following items completed before the install visit:

  • Server setup with base OS install
  • Server patched up to latest service pacs and security hot fixes.
  • Confirm your Epicor media and license keys have been received and are readily available.
  • Create a domain admin account to be used for theEpicor installation
    – Password should not expire
    – Account should not be set to expire or disabled
  • Communication to your IT group to coordinate on site date and times.

If you follow these simple steps your Epicor 10 upgrade will be off to a great start.

Also Read:

Speed up Your Epicor System
Epicor Partner Support – Maximizing Your Investment Today and Tomorrow

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