Phishing Attacks Continue to Rapidly Rise


If you have a cell phone and/or an email address, you probably have noticed the amount of spam calls and emails you are receiving are getting out of control! The alarming rise of phishing attacks suggests our efforts to combat this cybercrime are ineffective. A recent study “Phishing Landscape 2023: An Annual Study of the Scope and Distribution of Phishing conducted” by the Interisle Consulting Group revealed phishing attacks have tripled since May 2020. Phishing attacks are a type of cyberattack that involves tricking people into giving away sensitive information such as bank accounts, passwords, social security numbers, to name a few.

This study analyzed over six million phishing reports collected over a years’ time and identified more than 1.8 million unique phishing attacks. Malicious domain name registrations were the most common method deployed. The study also revealed more than 16% of all phishing attacks were launched from phishing pages hosted by subdomain service providers. The study also uncovered almost have of all the phishing attacks concentrated in just five US-based hosting networks.

This study really hits home that cybercriminals are constantly evolving their tactics and are never satisfied with status quo.

Here are some quick tips to protect yourself against phishing attacks:

  • Exercise caution with unexpected emails or text messages
  • Verify the authenticity of the message
  • Use multi-factor authentication
  • Keep software patched and up to date
  • Run anti-phishing software

If you receive an email or text message that asks for your personal or financial information, be cautious and verify the authenticity of the message before responding. This advice holds true for both personal and business purposes.

Do not gamble with your security. If you are not sure if your organization has the proper security measures in place to protect against phishing attacks or other cyberattacks, give the team at 2W Tech a call today. Our team of IT Consultants has vast experience with security solutions and can ensure you are taking all the necessary steps to best protect your business and yourself.

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