Legacy System Maintenance Tips


Being a Certified Epicor Partner, I wish I could say that all of our clients are current on the version of Epicor they are running. I wish I could tell you that everyone we discuss upgrading to a current version jump on the chance right away. But the reality is that upgrading or implementing a new ERP system is a big undertaking and a large decision and many companies take a long time to finally take the leap. In the meantime, there are some important steps you need to take to keep your system running and to make your upgrade easier when the time does come.
Here are some maintenance tips for Legacy Vista customers to maintain their application and databases until they are ready to upgrade to a current version of Epicor:

  • Backup Vista directory on server daily
  • Backup utilizing Vista Database Maintenance, if database is FoxPro or backup utilizing SQL Management
  • Suite Maintenance schedule for advanced tool installation or custom script if Express installation, if database is SQL
  • Run Vista System Database Maintenance weekly
  • Run Database Optimization & Pack weekly

Keep in mind, these tips can help you maximize the life of your current system, but they in no way will prevent you from needing to upgrade. Vista 4 and 6 are not designed to run on anything newer than Windows XP, which hit the end of its life last year. Therefore, no patches or security updates are being issued any longer, leaving your system vulnerable to attacks. The best way to ensure the security of your data and the efficiency of your operations is to upgrade your outdated system. The cycle to install a new ERP system is long and complex and if you wait until disaster strikes, you are putting your organization in a compromising position.
The other thing to keep in mind is that it is not realistic to skip several versions of a software when you upgrade. To get your organization on the current released version of a software, there has to be a gradual upgrade and most times a hardware refresh. It is a lengthy process and to do it right, needs to be properly planned and managed. You should start talking with your Solution Provider now on what your short and long terms plans are for upgrading and together establish a plan to help best get your organization there. 2W Tech if one of a few Epicor Partners that still supports Legacy systems and has an extensive history of helping companies move from these systems to a more current version ERP. Give us a call today and we can start discussing how you can be next.

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