Just when you think you’ve avoided the latest ransomware attack, there’s a new one causing chaos on networks throughout the world. Make sure you’re not a victim by paying attention to the ransomware threats out there.

ransomware threat attack cybercriminal cyberattacks 2W Tech IT Consultant

Here are a few your organization should be aware of:

  • RobinHood invades Baltimore — One ongoing attack as of this post is the RobinHood virus, which has impacted the city of Baltimore’s computer systems. Officials believe the virus hit the network on May 7, cutting off the ability to process daily urban life. Real estate transactions were stopped in their tracks – no one can buy or sell property, and Baltimore can’t collect a major revenue source.
  • Dharma — First emerging in 2016, Dharma has been responsible for a number of high-profile cybercrimes, including the takedown of a hospital network in Texas late last year. This threat today appears bundled within a fake anti-virus software installation. The Dharma attacks start with phishing emails claiming to be from Microsoft and that the victim’s Windows PC is “at risk” and “corrupted.”
  • Ryuk — According to the FBI, Ryuk ransomware has hit more than 100 U.S. companies since August 2018, impacting primarily logistics companies, technology companies and small municipalities. Once Ryuk is in a system, it deletes all files related to the intrusion, so it is impossible to identify the infection vector.
  • Windows XP patch — This isn’t ransomware, of course, but the fact Microsoft felt the need issue a fix for an operating system it abandoned five years ago is telling. Microsoft’s reasoning is that there could be future malware similar to the WannaCry malware that spread throughout the world in 2017.

2W Tech is a full-service IT consulting firm that has IT consultants on staff that specialize in security solutions. Give us a call today to ensure you don’t become the next victim of ransomware.

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