Key Benefits of Microsoft Azure


Microsoft Azure is a comprehensive cloud platform that was launched in 2010. It currently offers over two hundred products and services to help businesses build, run, and manage applications across several different environments. Microsoft Azure offers many compelling reasons for businesses and developers to choose it as their cloud platform.

Here are some key benefits to using Azure:

  • Innovation and Agility: The product keeps evolving over time, adding 1,000 new capabilities within the last year alone including advancements in AI, machine learning, virtualization, Kubernetes, and databases.
  • Security and Compliance: Offers multi-layered security, compliance certifications, advanced threat detection, and comprehensive coverage across the entire operation, infrastructure, and datacenters.
  • Hybrid Cloud Model: Can integrate with on-premises applications, multiple clouds, and edge environments. It creates hybrid solutions with flexibility and ease.
  • Scalability and Adaptability: Scale up and down as needed to meet demands of both your operations, and your business. This flexibility is a significant advantage for companies with variable workloads.
  • Cost Efficiency: Pay-as-you-go options and reserved instances help manage and reduce costs effectively.
  • Integrated Ecosystem: Works easily with other Microsoft tools, such as Visual Studio, Microsoft 365, Windows Server, making management and development work efficient. Azure offers a wide variety of services including computing, analytics, storage, and networking, allowing a business to run entire solutions within the Azure ecosystem.
  • Web and Mobile Applications: Makes is easy to host and develop both web and mobile applications.
  • Disaster Recovery: Azure has built in robust disaster recovery solutions to protect an organizations data and applications.
  • Global Reach: Azure has data centers in numerous locations worldwide, allowing for faster service delivery and ensuring high availability and performance.
  • Development Support: Azure provides development tools and services such as Azure DevOps, Visual Studio, and GitHub integration, enhancing productivity and collaboration for development teams.

Every business has diverse needs and wants, but Microsoft Azure is so versatile that it offers key benefits to every business, regardless of what they are looking for. Creating an IT environment around Microsoft Azure will take your business operations to the next level with efficiency and adaptability. 2W Tech is one of Microsoft’s most innovative partners and currently holds four Solutions Competencies, including Azure. Give our team a call today and let us start introducing your business to the benefits of Microsoft Azure.

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