Is It Time to Update Your IT Infrastructure?


How old is your IT system? Do you even know? An outdated IT Infrastructure can cause a lot of problems for your business, including decreased efficiency, data loss, and even security breaches. When something breaks, it is easy to know it needs fixed or replaced. Often without something completely breaking, we miss the signs that something is wrong. 

Here are some warning signs that indicate it is time to update your company’s IT system: 

  • Experiencing increased downtime: Outdated systems are more susceptible to crashes and other technical problems. Increased system crashing or increased lag time with startup is a sign it is time for an upgrade. 
  • Poor user experience: If your employees are constantly complaining about the IT system, it is a good indication that it needs updated. If they are struggling to use the system and it is interfering with their job, it is time to consider an upgrade. 
  • System is rejecting software updates: As software companies release latest updates, your IT system needs to be able to accommodate them. Running outdated software exposes your business to security threats, not to mention your team is not able to take advantage of the latest features and functionality. 
  • Lack of support: When a software reaches end of life, it means end of support. Need I say more. 
  • Increased maintenance fees: Outdated systems require more maintenance to keep them running smoothly. The older things get, the more likely things start to break.  
  • No adoption of latest technology: Technology is advancing every day so the longer you remain stuck in your ways and running your ancient technology, the further behind you are getting from your competition and modern solutions. 
  • Your security is at risk: Outdated IT system = Security risk. Running outdated software puts your business at risk for data breaches and other cyber threats.  
  • You are losing customers: Customers expect a certain level of service and convenience. Quite frankly, if you cannot offer that, they will go elsewhere without so much as a glance back.  
  • Overworked IT team: If your IT team is constantly putting out fires and does not have time for pro-active maintenance, it is a good indication that your team is spread too thin. This can lead to burnout and turnover. 

If you are experiencing even one of these warning signs, it means your business is not running as efficient as it could. Most businesses do not want to spend the money or go through the hassle of an upgrade. However, what they do not realize it is costing them more time and money overall.  

Is it time to upgrade your IT infrastructure? Are you experiencing any of these warning signs? If so, let 2W Tech. We are a technology solutions provider specializing in solutions for the manufacturing industry. Let us help get your IT Infrastructure updated and running as efficient as possible. 

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