Epicor Study: Manufacturing Leaders Report Higher Morale Than Workers


Epicor’s latest “Future of Work in Manufacturing” report reveals a notable disparity in workplace morale perceptions between manufacturing managers and frontline workers. In 2024, 57% of managers reported high morale, while only 45% of workers felt the same, highlighting a potential disconnect in addressing employee engagement.

Addressing this morale gap is crucial, especially with a projected shortage of 3.8 million manufacturing employees. Leaders must tackle current challenges and prepare for future demands. The report also highlights a disconnect in upskilling efforts, with 91% of managers versus 70% of workers recognizing it as a priority, underscoring the need for better communication and implementation.

Epicor surveyed over 1,400 manufacturing leaders and 1,200 workers globally to identify key trends and strategies shaping the industry’s future. These insights aim to guide C-suite leaders, operations managers, manufacturing supervisors, IT leaders, and HR leaders in developing strategies to scale their operations effectively.

Key Findings:

  • Technological Gap: 52% of managers view their workplace as very modern, while only 39% of workers agree, indicating differing perceptions of technological advancement.
  • Sustainability Priorities: About half of the companies prioritize sustainability, with 61% of managers and 45% of workers seeing it as crucial, highlighting the need for stronger sustainability initiatives.
  • Supply Chain Challenges: Although 75% of managers acknowledge the importance of supply chain resilience and sustainability, challenges such as cost, regulatory barriers, and technological limitations continue to persist.
  • Automation’s Impact: 73% of managers and 53% of workers expect job changes due to automation, with workers showing decreasing immediate concerns.
  • Turnover Trends: Worker-reported turnover decreased by 6% in 2024, while manager-reported turnover increased by 25%, reflecting different experiences and views on workforce stability.

Strategic Insights for Leadership:

The report provides strategic recommendations for manufacturing leaders, highlighting the importance of:

  • Boosting employee engagement and morale through improved communication and recognition initiatives.
  • Accelerating technological modernization to stay competitive.
  • Establishing comprehensive upskilling programs to equip workers for future demands.
  • Prioritizing sustainability to meet growing ESG requirements.

“Manufacturers are navigating an era of significant change and challenge,” said Kerrie Jordan, Group Vice President of Product Management at Epicor. “Our latest report provides actionable insights to help organizations align their people, processes, and technology to optimize operations. By analyzing perspectives from both workers and leaders globally, we have gained valuable insights to guide strategies for enhancing operational efficiency and embracing future opportunities.”

For a detailed look into the findings and recommendations, download the full report here.

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