Epicor Solutions Help Solve Sustainability Challenges


Implementing sustainable practices not only benefits the environment but also supports growth, attracts eco-conscious customers, reduces costs, improves efficiency, mitigates risks, and fosters innovation while meeting regulatory requirements.

Epicor collaborates with customers to achieve enduring success in a dynamic world by:

  • Enhancing environmental compliance
  • Minimizing raw material
  • Inventory usage
  • Optimizing resource efficiency
  • Reducing energy consumption
  • Tracking waste management and recycling
  • Leveraging data for continuous improvement

Organizations that have implemented successful sustainability programs can see:

  • Sixty-five percent Energy reduction with cloud migration
  • 7X Higher operating margins
  • Sixty percent Boost in operational profits
  • Sixty percent Reduction in carbon emitted

Epicor announced at their Epicor Insights Europe 2024, held last week, their collaboration with Climatiq Technologies GmbH. This alliance will introduce into Epicor’s suite of Sustainability Management solutions advanced carbon intelligence calculations and reporting. Through this partnership, Epicor will integrate carbon calculations into its industry-specific ERP platforms, allowing customers to access precise, real-time carbon data, monitor emissions, and identify strategic opportunities for reducing their environmental impact.

“We’re excited to work with Climatiq to assist our customers in reaching their sustainability goals, and boosting profitability while reducing emissions,” said Kerrie Jordan, Group Vice President of Product Management at Epicor. “I’m incredibly proud of our team’s achievements in making this vision a reality.”

Sustainability, which involves using resources more slowly than they are replenished, is essential for competitiveness. It serves not only as a response to regulatory demands but also as a long-term business strategy to enhance supply chain processes and drive efficiency. The incorporation of Climaq’s carbon footprint calculation API into the Epicor portfolio enables business to pursue sustainability objectives without sacrificing profitability. Epicor will have a full roll-out of these features in 2025, with some features rolling out in coming months.

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