The Workaround for Avalara Ending Support for TLS 1.0 and 1.1

Between January 22 and Mid-February your interface between Avalara and Epicor version 10.2.300 and below will stop.   If you have not already resolved the issue to this previously announced event, then you do not have much more time before your connection to Avalara will stop working.

2W Tech has designed a proxy workaround hosted in the Azure environment.

  • Dedicated endpoint to connect Epicor, which then relays the request and response to and from Avalara
  • Functional and proven in a production environment
  • This does not resolve the security concerns associated with the old TLS 0 and 1.1 protocols
  • Optional secure VPN connection to provide some additional security
  • Quick implementation
  • Low month to month price

Important dates to note:

  • Epicor 9.05 or an earlier version, your integration with Avalara will discontinue on January 22, 2023
  • Epicor 10.2.300 down to v.9.05 will have just a few additional weeks until your interface is discontinued

This workaround is not designed as a permanent solution. Everyone should run their business on a current, supported version of Epicor. The ultimate fix is to upgrade to the current version of Epicor.  This workaround is a great stop gap until an upgrade can be scheduled.


Ready to get the ball rolling with your Avalara workaround? Fill out the form below and a team member will reach out to you shortly!

Workaround for Avalara