One of the big topics around Epicor ERP 10 is the adoption of SSRS (Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services). Previous versions of Epicor ERP used Crystal Reports. Many existing Epicor users are accustomed to Crystal Reports and may be intimidated by this change in reporting.
So the question becomes, should you continue with your Crystal Reports in V.10 or should you convert your reporting to SSRS? Here are some reasons to move to SSRS:
Cost. Licensing costs are already in your Microsoft SQL installation and stored on a website so that anyone can build reports as long as you allow access, with no additional costs added.
- Epicor Support. They are now only developing forms and reports in SSRS. Which means that any bug fixes, improvements, and additional functionality will only be available on the SSRS platform.
- Sorting Capabilities. SSRS makes it very easy to drill down into groups of data and perform sorting functions. It also allows for interactive reports to be created to help answer many business questions your organization may have.
- SQL Queries. Epicor V.10 uses an engine to output all of the reporting data into a separate database that allows for limitless queries. This allows you to utilize the full power of SQL in your reports without having an effect on your ERP database.
- Security. V.10 uses an Active Directory integrated portal for its reporting functions. This allows rights to be assigned for functions such as viewing, editing, designing, as well as administrator rights on a folder by folder basis.
- Ease of Use. SSRS was developed with the same look, feel, and functionality of Microsoft Office products making the transition smooth and more intuitive.
Epicor doesn’t make using Crystal Reports in V.10 easy for users. The reason for this is the additional benefits SSRS can offer your organization. When you are ready to make the switch in your reporting tools, 2W has experienced Epicor Consultants on staff that can help make the transition from Crystal Reports to SSRS smooth for your business.
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