Epicor CEO Steve Murphy on Revolutionizing Search and Overcoming Supply Chain Challenges


In a rapidly evolving technology landscape, Epicor’s CEO Steve Murphy is spearheading efforts to transform how businesses approach search and supply chain management. Here is a look at the key strategies and insights from Murphy. In an interview with ERP Today, Steve Murphy reflected on the journey from cloud to cognitive ERP.

Revolutionizing Search with AI

The advent of conversational AI, such as assistants and chatbots, has redefined our expectations from search technologies. Unlike traditional search engines, modern AI tools demand personalized and precise answers. Murphy stresses the importance of reliable data in ERP systems to mitigate the risks of “hallucinations” in generative AI. “Part of getting our AI right is making sure there are checks and balances,” he explains, ensuring that Epicor’s AI provides actionable, accurate insights.

Epicor’s Storied History

Epicor’s journey began with Platinum Software Corporation in the late ’90s, focusing on financial and accounting solutions. The merger with Activant in 2011, known for its digital automotive catalogs, solidified its position in supply chain connectivity. This deep-rooted expertise allowed Epicor to seamlessly transition from on-premises solutions to a robust cloud-based SaaS model under Murphy’s leadership.

Leadership and Vision

Since taking the helm in 2017, Murphy has driven Epicor’s migration to a best-in-class cloud architecture. This strategic move has significantly improved the company’s profitability and scalability, achieving $1 billion in annual recurring revenue. Murphy emphasizes the necessity of delivering on cloud promises to ensure customer satisfaction and long-term success.

Supply Chain Focus

Epicor’s extensive experience in manufacturing, distribution, and supply chain management uniquely positions it to leverage AI for operational enhancements. Murphy envisions a future where ERP systems evolve from being mere records keepers to dynamic action platforms, providing end-users with accurate and actionable data.


Under the guidance of Steve Murphy, Epicor is not only addressing the current demands of AI and cloud solutions but is also poised to lead future innovations in supply chain management. With a focus on delivering reliable, customized cloud products, Epicor continues to set the standard for ERP excellence.

Read Murphy’s full interview with ERP Today here.

2W Tech has been working with Epicor solutions for over 30 years. We are currently one of the largest partners in North America and hold an Epicor Platinum Elite partner designation. Contact us today to learn more about Epicor solutions.

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