Not only is today the Friday before a holiday weekend, but it also means the 2W Tech staff is all back in the office from a successful Epicor Insights event. There was about 4,000 attendees and rumor has it, that is the largest it has been in the last 8 or 9 years.

This year’s event was full of educational sessions and various keynote speakers. Old Dominion was the entertainment and that brought on a lot of line dancing from the masses!

The exhibit hall show floor was buzzing and our staff worked tirelessly having great conversations with both clients and potential new clients. There were two big themes that dominated a lot of our conversations. The one that everyone talking was artificial intelligence.

Epicor announced their Grow AI solution an integrated portfolio of artificial intelligence (AI) and business intelligence (BI) capabilities. The innovative solution is designed specifically for the supply chain industries, aiming to enhance the ERP experience for users.

2W Tech demoed our ResolveIQ AI solution almost non-stop in our booth. Our innovative solution allows you to have a conversation with your business. Ask it questions and get answers grounded in your data! Our team took a great deal amount of time with clients and potential clients about the various AI solutions on the market and how to evaluate those solutions, so your business is protected. We pride ourselves that ResolveIQ is not only a safe and reliable AI solution, but you are also receiving our expertise in the process required to set an AI platform up to be grounded in your own company data and culture.

The other area where our booth staff has various conversations was with Epicor customizations. A lot of potential clients and potential clients have various areas within their Epicor ERP system that is not allowing their business to run as efficient as possible and are seeking out solutions! They great news is our team knows Epicor. Between our knowledgeable staff and ResolveIQ and its use cases that can help solve some of these Epicor customization issues, I foresee our team is going to be remarkably busy with show follow-up requests!

Kudos to Epicor for another successful event. This Epicor Platinum Elite partner is coming back from the event thrilled at the outcome of the event. Not only are we coming back tired, lol, we are coming back more educated and excited for the future!

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